Fresh Water Fish Identification

Freshwater Drum

Freshwater Drum

COMMON NAMES: Freshwater drum, Sheephead, Grunter, Silver bass, Gray bass

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Aplodinotus grunniens

IDENTIFICATION: Freshwater drum are silver-gray in color with a mouth that points down, and a rounded tail. Skeletal features are unique, with the skull heavily reinforced and large ear bones, with a characteristic "L" on one side.

RANGE AND HABITAT: The freshwater drum inhabit deeper pools of rivers and prefer large lakes that are less than 60 feet deep.

LIFE HISTORY: Freshwater drum spawn from spring to late summer. Females broadcast eggs into water where they float on the surface and hatch in about one day and are left to survive on their own. Adults feed on mollusks, crayfish, fish, and aquatic insects.

ADULT SIZE: Freshwater drum can reach 40 pounds.

FISHING METHODS: Freshwater drum are frequently taken by anglers fishing for other species with both artificial and natural bait.