Upland Game Identification

Cottontail Rabbit

Physical Description :
Cottontails are a grayish brown color, with a rust-colored patch on the back of the neck, the tops of their feet are whitish, they have long ears, long hind legs, and a short tail which is cottony white on the underside. Adult cottontails average 15 to 18 inches in length.

Edges of open fields and meadows, areas of dense high grass, in wood thickets, along fence rows, forest edges, and the borders of marshy areas.

Average Weight Range:
Mature cottontails weigh on average between two and three pounds. Food: In summer, cottontails feed almost entirely on tender grasses and herbs; crops such as peas, beans, and lettuce are also eaten. In winter, bark, twigs, and buds of shrubs and young trees are eaten. Rabbits will also re-ingest their own fecal pellets, increasing their level of vitamins and minerals.

The cottontail rabbit is a somewhat stocky animal with large hind feet, long ears, and a short, fluffy tail that resembles a cotton ball. Its long, coarse coat varies in color from reddish-brown to a black or grayish-brown. The under parts are white. The New England cottontail and the eastern cottontail are almost identical in appearance, except for a slight variation in color. About half of the eastern cottontail population shows a white, star-like shape on the forehead while none of the New England cottontails exhibit this trait. A comparison of the skull characteristics is the most reliable way to distinguish the two species.

Reproduction: Breeding occurs from March through early fall. Females do not dig their own nest burrows, but rather scratch out a slight depression in the ground in an area of dense grass for concealment. The nest is lined with fur and dry grass. The gestation period is about 28 days. There are usually two to four litters per year with about three to eight young per litter. Young rabbits are born blind, naked, and helpless but grow rapidly, leaving the nest after only two to three weeks. They are weaned and totally independent at four to five weeks. On the average, 15% of the young will survive their first year. Adults are usually solitary by nature except when a female is caring for its young.

Interesting Facts:
Cottontail rabbits are active all year long, foraging mainly at night. During the day they remain concealed in dense brush, protected from predators and harsh weather. In times of extreme weather conditions or to escape predators, rabbits will readily utilize an abandoned woodchuck burrow for protection. A rabbit's home range varies greatly with the quality of habitat, but generally averages about three acres for females and eight acres for males.

Cottontails have very keen sight and hearing. When danger is sensed, the animal will usually freeze in place until the danger has passed, but they will flush readily if approached too closely. Rabbits normally move slowly in short hops or jumps, but when frightened they can achieve speeds up to 18 miles per hour over a short distance. They often zig-zag to confuse a pursuing predator. Although they do not take to the water often, rabbits are good swimmers. They will thump the ground with their hind feet regularly, probably as a means of communication. When playing, breeding, or fighting they often make low purring, growling, or grunting sounds. If captured by a predator, the animal may produce a loud, shrill scream.

Because of its high productivity rate, the cottontail rabbit is an important link in the food chain and a principle prey item for many species. It is also a popular game species throughout its range. Depending on its availability, the cottontail can be considered a buffer prey species, meaning if rabbit numbers are high, predators will concentrate on them, thus reducing the pressure on other prey species.