Fresh Water Fish Identification
COMMON NAMES: Pumpkinseed sunfish, Punkies, Yellow sunfish
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lepomis gibbosus
IDENTIFICATION: Pumpkinseed are a very colorful, deep-bodied, slab-sided fish with a small mouth. Breast and belly are orange to yellow, with lighter colored sides in a variety of bright colors. The ear flap is black, but has an orange-red spot on the border.
RANGE AND HABITAT: Pumpkinseed are widespread, this species prefers clear, non-flowing water and substrates of organic debris and dense submerged aquatic vegetation.
LIFE HISTORY: Pumpkinseed sunfish are nest spawners with the male digging the nest in water as shallow as 6 to 12 inches. Spawning occurs in May or June and the males guard the nest until the eggs hatch. The female will lay between 1,600 to 2,900 eggs. Several females may lay eggs in a single nest. Adult pumpkinseed eat primarily larval insects, some adult insects, and occasionally larval fish. Pumpkinseed growth is similar to that of bluegills.